cards, Classes, Online events, Stampin' Up!


I forgot to show you some Thank You cards I have made recently for customers and team members.  These are all little 10cmx10cm (4″x4″) cards.  I like making these size cards.

This first one uses the Vertical Greetings set.  I don’t use this set nearly as much as I should.  It is so cute.  I coloured the stamps with the markers to get the different colours.  One heart version was in Sweet Sugarplum and the other heart version was in Flirty Flamingo. A little Linen Thread bow finished them off. These cards where made for my customers a couple of months ago. Yes it has taken this long to show you.

This next little cutie card using the Baby Bear stamp set was for some of my team members for an online team event we had last month. I wanted to send out a “Thanks” for them sharing in the Facebook group event.

Side Note: Hey! Have you considered joining Stampin’ Up!??  Not just for the discount (although that’s great!) but for all the team fun and the sharing and the creating and the …. Really, so many reasons why!

Let me know if you would like more information or stop by my page on this blog for “join my team”.  See the link at the top of my blog.

This Thank You card was for a challenge on my Facebook page I held last month to share a card that my readers have made and I sent out a prize at random.  The card was made up with some “bits” I had on my desk from another project. They come in handy sometimes.  This one was using Happy Birthday Gorgeous set. 

Mmm! I am noticing a pink theme here (sorry Lynda).  Unintentional I assure you. 🙂


Have a great day and for all my US blog readers wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.  Enjoy the special celebrations.  We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia but I think it’s great to take some time and be Thankful for all that we have.


Catalogues, Classes, Workshops


This week I had my Catalogue Launch for this fantastic new catalogue.  I had 2 sessions. One Friday night and one on Saturday.  Both of them were lots of fun and laughs and of course creating.  I thought I would share some of the fun with you.

Firstly,  I had a Product Playground area with lots of new products that everyone could have a play with.  This was very popular.

Playground sign

Here we had an Incolor bookmark they could make.  A great way to have a sample of the new Incolors for their catalogue.  Then they could use the Ombre Ink pads.  This one is the Bermuda Bay.  I will tell you about the Ombre Inkpads in another post.  They could stamp the flower and add it to a card when they get home.


Of course we had to play with Baby Bear.  I had done a few different colour combinations to show and they could stamp their own Baby Bear.  He (or she) was very popular!  I will tell you about Baby Bear in another post too.:)  I also had the new embossing folder ‘Floral Affection’ which is really lovely too.  So many nice new products.

Playground _3

Now I like to spoil my lovely ones who come.  There was some fun gifts and some very useful product gifts.

I made up some Catalogue Survival Kits. To help everyone through their catalogue.

Survival Kit

I found these fun Post-It notes and made up these cards for everyone so they can add them to their catalogue. For the header on these Post-It note cards I created the heading on the computer and then stamped around it with the ‘Swirly Bird’ stamp set.

Post it notes

I have so much Designer Series Paper and ribbon and bits from past years so I bagged up a lot to give a special grab bag to everyone.  I think everyone thought it was Christmas. 🙂  It was a lovely way to say Thanks to them not just for coming to my launch but for their loyal support many for some years.  It was so lovely to see the joy in their faces.  That made the day all worthwhile.

Treat bag - 2

It wasn’t a fancy bag but these Stampin’ Up! Bags are a good size for the Designer Series paper – and I have so many of them!  I made a quick tag using the ‘Thoughtful Banners’.

Treat bag _ 1

I have some more photos to share with you but that will be next post so do come and visit.

Thanks for stopping by today,
